Entry Requirements
Post 16 Study
Post 16 study is challenging and very rewarding. Many Level 3 courses require the ability to write extended essays, and for these a high standard of literacy is required. Some subjects contain key mathematical elements, and these therefore need a good level of numeracy. This is the reason why we have specified that for some subjects there is a minimum English or Maths grade—for some it is both. Experience shows that, without those skills, students struggle to cope with the demands of Level 3 study, regardless of how much they enjoy the subject itself.
If you do not yet have these English and Maths skills, you need to develop them now in order to be better prepared to succeed at Level 3.
For all Level 3 courses, students are expected to have achieved a minimum of 5 GGSEs at grade 9-4 or equivalent, which should include both English and Maths at grade 4 or above.
In addition, many subjects have specific entry requirements – these can been found here and also found in the Applications Handbook under Entry Requirements information.
For Level 2 courses, students are expected to have achieved a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 1 or above.
All students who have not achieved a 4 in English or Maths will be required to re-sit that GCSE Course.
entry requirements on a4 for staff.pdf